How can AI help veterinarians break through limitations on cardiac assessments for pets?

cardiac assessment



Cardiac assessment is one of the most frequently required examinations in animal hospitals.

Along with the trend of increasing pet ownership and the improvement of medical standards and quality of care, cardiac assessment has become one of the most frequently required examinations in animal hospitals. The heart is like an electric pump while cardiac problems are mainly associated with the rhythm and/or structure of the heart. In medicine, we use different physical methods for cardiac examinations including but not limited to electrophysiology, ultrasound, radiology, blood test, etc. Among the mentioned approaches, electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiography are the standards for cardiac rhythm and structural examination respectively. The investigations complement each other in order to provide a comprehensive cardiac examination to the animal patient.

The approaches of cardiac assessment for humans and animals are different. Veterinarians have encountered a lot of difficulties during the examinations.

 Let’s take the electrocardiogram (ECG) as an example. ECG is one of the most commonly used examinations in modern medical science. Generally, data collection is operated by trained nurses or medical technicians. The ECG data is collected by electrodes placed on the animal patient and interpretation will be done by the veterinary cardiologists or experienced veterinarians This kind of qualification is very common among human doctors, so ECG examination has become a quick and convenient routine examination in the field of medical anthropology.

Unlike the case for pets, applying the same equipment and method as for humans is more difficult than you think. First of all, pets will not lie down obediently to let you place the electrodes without any struggles. The help from veterinary assistants is required in order to hold the animal in the right position for ECG data collection procedure. In addition, the pet’s hair will affect the data signal quality and it is necessary to use alcohol, gel or even shave for better electrode-to-skin contact. Different from human doctors, veterinarians who are specialised in ECG and cardiology are the minority hence ECG interpretation can be challenging.

From the perspective of the cardiac assessments, the primary care veterinarians and cardiologists are facing different circumstances.

Veterinary cardiologists spend an average of one to two hours for a consultation, while primary care veterinarians often have less than half an hour for one session. In addition, most of the pet patients who have been referred or directly visiting the veterinary cardiologist were cases diagnosed with heart disease. The owner understands there is a need for advanced examinations to deal with the cardiac problems of their pets. While for primary care veterinarians, preliminary examinations are required for cardiac problem screening. However, as mentioned that traditional cardiac assessments are relatively complicated to perform in light of limited resources and time. Moreover, pets cannot speak and it is impossible for them to describe their discomfort. In this situation, the pet owner does not know the real medical needs of the pets and can be daunted because of the high cost of examination and specialist referral.

Technology breaks through the limits, CardioBird understands the difficulties and needs of general practice veterinarians.

Unlike traditional cardiac assessment, CardioBird focuses on supporting the daily use of primary care veterinarians. It allows the quickest and simplest initial examinations for high-risk groups (aged/breed at risk/or suspected heart disease), pre-anesthesia check, emergency, and the tracking of heart diseases. Empowered byAI technologies and backed by veterinary cardiologists, CardioBird supports primary care veterinarians to conduct preliminary cardiac assessments, and suggest whether advanced examinations are needed. CardioBird helps the primary care veterinarians to break through the limitations of time and resources and complete a preliminary cardiac assessment for every pet.


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